WELCOME to Roland Township's Website
Roland Township is located in the Turtle Mountains north of Bottineau adjoining the Canadian border. It has much to offer residents and visitors, with Lake Metigoshe and the State Park being a popular destination.  The woods, hills, wetlands, farms and country scenery offer living and visiting experiences like no other place in North Dakota. 
Click brown buttons on the left for more Roland Township information.  

The Roland Township Board of Supervisors authorized this website in the interest of providing a convenient source of information in today's technological world. If you have suggestions for the site or find problems with links, send them to rolandtwp@srt.com.

This page was last updated: February 7, 2025
designed with Homestead
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Click here to see Minutes - draft available a few days after meetings 

The Zoning page includes a link to the current Zoning Ordinance Edition, and links to zoning forms and other documents or websites of interest.
 Hwy 43 - a Scenic Byway - is the main east-west road through Roland Township.
Roland Township has been farmed since the late 1880's when homesteaders found the lakes, hills, trees and wildlife to their liking. Enjoyment of Lake Metigoshe began in 1889.

Board Meetings regularly scheduled for the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm, Quilt Inn Meeting Room.

The Annual Meeting is scheduled for 7:00 pm Tuesday March 18, 2025, to review 2024 and vote on the 2026 levy. One supervisor position to be voted on. 
Roland Township, Bottineau County, ND
Permit Fee of $500 for Structure Move-in/Move-out or Demolition is due to extreme weights these projects put on cabin roads. Call ahead to schedule road inspection (prior, during, after). 701-871-7255, rolandtwp@srt.com

Permit Fee of $4,000 will be added to a project that will result in cutting pavement for sewers, etc. This is due to the cost of hot mix repairs to maintain the integrity of the paved road.
Lots without sewers are not intended for living quarters, although RVs with holding tanks may be permitted. MEMO

2022 AMENDMENTS to the Roland Township Zoning Ordinance.

See Zoning page for information and permit applications. RV Permit Fee changed to $50 for 2024. Fines to be imposed on owners for non-payment. Vinyl permit stickers for RVs are in the works. They will be delivered to RVs onsite.
North Dakota Fire Danger Guide 
Brochure available here.
Board is seeking a site where transactions for zoning permits, etc. can be held, and where files can be safely stored. Contact a board member or email suggestions. rolandtwp@srt.com